I feel like these days a lot of people don't know the difference between being a fan and a follower, or appreciation and obsession. I don't understand how countless people get so wrapped up in these artists to the point that obssesion and idolization is a factor. They dress like them, talk like them, incorperate and adopt their names into their own, try to live their lives. I've had countless situations of being chewed out for not liking a specific song or video by a popular artist or saying "they HAVE been better or that COULD have been better" and I'll get questioned. People would be like "you dont like this artist??!". No I'm a fan of their music I just didn't like THAT song/video. Most artists appreciate their fans and their honest opinions and constructive critisism, it's lets them know what direction to take their talents in. If they have an army of followers that love EVERYTHING they do they don't have any direction. But the game has changed so you do have arists that dont care about the WORTH of their material as long as they have those minions to make them money. It's cool if some/certain artists influence you just don't let it dictate your life. Incorporate their look into yours don't try to own it. KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.