Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer Destruction!

First and for most shout out to FreshBoySteph of the F.O.C (Freshest on Campus) for those of you who don't know. Now that I got that taken care of, I want to discuss some music.

This past Friday, FreshBoySteph dropped his mixtape entitled 'Destructo Disk'. (If you don't have it already, you NEED to get it)

I've been waiting on this mixtape for quite some time and it features local artist such as:
- A.P
- KickFlipB
- Katie Lynn
- Etc...

Now when I first listened to it all the way through... There were songs that I heard ill lyrics too and had to go back again, and some of them I heard right away! Just off the top my top 5 joints so far would be:

- The Public Service Announcement
- Call Me Crazy ft A.P
- Rack Em Racks ft KickFlipB
- Spell On You
- Radio "Fidelity"

*But that's subject to change the more I listen lol

All in all... Go cop the tape and join us at Next on Coventry... Friday, July 30th 2010... 7p - 10p

Click here to download the mixtape