Saturday, July 31, 2010

'Destructo Disk' Hard Copy CD Release Party

First and foremost I want to say Shout Out to Next on Coventry for having this function. I love when local artist get shown love and support by the community... Straight up... That's what Fly No Fallin is all about... Connecting everyone together!

Now on to regularly scheduled programming...

You know when a bunch of your friends go to a function and you weren't there, and they tell you the story about how it went and you reply, "Man I wish I was there!" Well if you weren't... MAN I WISH YA'LL WAS THERE!!! My man Steph aka FreshBoySteph of the F.O.C (Freshest On Campus) put it down and if you missed it you MISSED OUT!

What a perfect way to start the weekend out?! Fashion and Good Music!!! I wouldn't have it another way. FreshBoySteph performed hits off his mixtape entitled "Destructo Disk" which dropped last Friday (If you don't have it, you better obtain it). It can very well be one of the most well put together mixtapes of the summer... Alongside FreshBoySteph was local artist A.P. and KickFlipB... (Shoutout to A.P and KickFlipB by the way)

So... From 7-10pm Friday, July 30th... Where can you say you were?! Cuz if it wasn't Next on Coventry then missed out on a whole lot. So congrats to FreshBoySteph... You did ya thing and we over here at Fly No Fallin are proud of you. No doubt...

But here are some pics of the festivities... (For those of you who missed out)

Thursday, July 29, 2010


So apparently... Someone broke into this woman house and tried to rape her... Watch this damn clip! Does this picture look like this shit is gonna be funny?! This aint a funny matter but this video is hilarious! #ImJustSayin

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Weekly Gospel 7-28-2010 (@ShagDigglerFnF)

Okay... Now I know some of you don't know but for those of you who do know... Fly No Fallin is into music heavily... We also have hidden talents ourselves... If you don't believe us see for yourself...

Every week... Jay aka "Shag Diggler" and Dave aka "DHu" will be posting a freestyle for ya'll... It shall be called "Weekly Gospel"

Check it out:

This is Jay aka "Shag Diggler" with the first post of 'Weekly Gospel' (Shoutout to @YellaBoyAJ for the beat)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer Destruction!

First and for most shout out to FreshBoySteph of the F.O.C (Freshest on Campus) for those of you who don't know. Now that I got that taken care of, I want to discuss some music.

This past Friday, FreshBoySteph dropped his mixtape entitled 'Destructo Disk'. (If you don't have it already, you NEED to get it)

I've been waiting on this mixtape for quite some time and it features local artist such as:
- A.P
- KickFlipB
- Katie Lynn
- Etc...

Now when I first listened to it all the way through... There were songs that I heard ill lyrics too and had to go back again, and some of them I heard right away! Just off the top my top 5 joints so far would be:

- The Public Service Announcement
- Call Me Crazy ft A.P
- Rack Em Racks ft KickFlipB
- Spell On You
- Radio "Fidelity"

*But that's subject to change the more I listen lol

All in all... Go cop the tape and join us at Next on Coventry... Friday, July 30th 2010... 7p - 10p

Click here to download the mixtape

Friday, July 23, 2010

We want that old thing back...!!!

Okay... I wanna tell you a story. So I work with this kid (almost literally) lol and he's a baby. This is funny while I'm typing this I think of how young he is. But anyway, I have random acts of remembering TV shows that I used to watch when I was younger (yeah I get to say when I was younger because I'll be 21 in 12 days) I was thinking that I really miss them shows. I have a crazy long list of shows that I miss and want back.

Travel with me back in time!!! 

We want back:

- VR Troopers
- Ahhhhh Real Monsters
- Sonic
- Gumby
- WWF (World Wrestling Federation)
- Legends of the Hidden Temple
- Guts
- Doug

I mean do I need to keep going?! I did some digging and I found the first episode of VR Troopers! Now for my TV heads, you'll enjoy, for everyone else... Post a comment! What do you want to see back!

3D everything!!! (in Jay Z voice)

Now to get technical for a second! I did a little research on one of my favorite 'COOL' sites (for nerds) And they have a piece on the new Nintendo 3DS. So its pretty much a Nintendo DS in 3D (Clever name huh?! Kinda reminds me of some Apple product... Hmmm?!) Anyway, they sent a couple reps out to Nintendo to check out the new hand held device in the making. Here's what they have to say.

"On the level of iPhone 3GS graphics and the 3D effect "just worked" on most all of them."

I'm intrigued at this point because not only are we seeing 3D movies in theaters, but we're seeing 3D Televisions and not to mention I watched SOCCER in 3D! Can we say EXCITED?! Now, I don't know about you all but I'm seeing 3D (virtual reality games) kinda like the movie "Gamer" in the future. I mean I know it was a movie but come on?! If I can Google how to make an Iron Man suit, I'm sure we'll see virtual reality games in no time.

Anyway, as I continued to read, I saw nothing short of excellent reviews for this thing... the only bad thing I read about it was it was "Chubby" but even still remember the first Gameboy?!

#Pause (R.I.P the first Gameboy... We miss you MegaMan and TMNT) Yeah, what is chubby compared to the first Gameboy The number "1" vs the number "0" (I'll wait for the rest of you to catch up... Plays Jeopardy music) But seriously, it's only chubby because it's a 'prototype' from what they said. Anywho... they tested a few games and they really enjoyed it. Games included:

- Nintendogs + cats
- Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D (The naked sample)
- Resident Evil Revelations

Just to name a few!

All in all... Nintendo is going to put a hurting on the industry when they get this lifted off the ground, because i personally haven't had a handheld device (besides a cell phone since this >>
So if they come up with it I'm going to get it. 

Hope you enjoyed folks... I'll keep you posted...

Business First (Part 1 - The Rundown)

"The Rundown"

This past Thursday aka 'Yesterday' we had a meeting with a friend of ours by the name of Terrence J ( Currently, we are under going a few moves right now and he gave us the rundown on His Vision, Goals, and Objectives. Long story short this summer is far from over and all prospects are being taken into consideration. TJ, as we call him, has been with us when we partied but he has more inapt plans for us as people. He finds that or goals are ideal for young, African-Amercians, specially in this day and age. TJ finds it'humbling' that we (FlyNoFallin or "FnF") have this bond that we have. We are family first, friends second.

The next few post about this subject shall come in 'installments'. And they will go as follows:

Business First (Part 1)
  - "The Rundown"
  - Photos of:
            -- In the Studio with TJ
            -- Tour of Studio

Business First (Part 2)
  - COMING SOON!!! (Can't give you all of that just yet)

Business First (Part 3 - Final Installment)
  - COMING SOON!!! (Might even peep it before I post it)

But, I wont talk/blog your ears/eyes off!!! See for yourself!!!

WOW!!! Check this out!!!

So, I'm doing my usual web surfing... And man I found some crazy-ness! This is the basketball Cody Paul! Cleveland we need to contact Managers/Parents so we can sign him to a 10 day contract! But, we have to do this before he takes his talents to South Beach!!! LOL

All my Leo's where you at?!

TODAY... July 23rd starts my favorite sign... LEO'S....

My birthday is August 4th...

So... shoutout all the Leo's you know... And tell them Happy Birthday in advance...

BTW, I do count... So you can tell me Happy Birthday if you want!!! lol

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Facebook Vs. Twitter, and the demise of Myspace (Sorry Tom!!!)

So... You know somebody has to write about these social networks. I myself, have pretty much all of them. With me being a computer buff/nerd, for lack of better words, I can't help but look into all of them. The two most popular sites right now are Facebook and Twitter. Which one do you like? Me personally I like them both. When I have something important to say or when I'm looking for an opinion or just want a good laugh, I'm logging onto Twitter. But, if I want to talk to my MOM, SUPERVISOR, or long lost people that I haven't talked to in ages, Facebook shall be summoned in a quick tab. I mean, it's getting to the point where CHILDREN who shouldn't even know how to use a computer, have Facebook pages. Picture postings of vacations, birthdays, and even games... All Facebook. Trending topics, everyday life updates, even GPS locations... All Twitter.

Now, I know we all had/have a myspace but you either a) Don't EVER check it... b) Don't care to EVER check it... or c) You don't know the password or even username to EVER check it... LOL! Do you see where I'm getting at?! I mean don't get me wrong from 2006 all the way to like 2007 in a half LMBO... Myspace was like the most exclusive thing ever! But as it became to complicated to navigate, the uprising of Facebook and Twitter, and a couple of incidents of bad media... Myspace took a sour fall in our Social Network pool.

Back in high school, all I did was surf the web. I mean in my vocational I pretty much finished all my work weeks before school was over. I had a Myspace before it was popular, as well as a Facebook. I've seen the rise and fall of many sites such as... Tagged, Hi5, and Bebo just to name a few. Now why do you suspect some sites did better than others?! That is a good question, I guess you could look back and see what it was about those sites that most people didn't like. Then you have to think about how often you get spammed, it's all very interesting.

All in all, in regards to the "Social Networks" some people 'Love to Hate em', and some people 'Hate to Love em'!!! Some people need these sites to connect to the social world, and guess who knows it?! Thats right!!! The phone companies, the site creators, and even your peers! I mean really, look at the iPhone's, Evo's, even the Droid's... APPS APPS APPS... Lol! You got your UberTwitter, Facebook Mobile... MyspaceMobile?! HAHAHA SIKE!!! (Sorry Tom!)

But seriously, What do you think? How do you feel about it all... I'm asking because I really want to know!!! Leave me a comment. Tell me how you really feel.

Man Please Watch This!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jay's 21st (Surprise Mudda Sucka!!)

So... this is how it all started. Jay's mom called us and said "Hey, Im throwing Jay a surprise party so i need ya'll help" Of course, I'm thinking I know exactly what to do lol.

Long story short, we got a hotel for a weekend and on Friday (The day of the party) We told him we were gonna go clubbing. Mind you, it's February so we in the snow and we have Tuxedo's on... Sound crazy yet?

Well, we took him to about 4 clubs downtown just shooting the breeze... So we go all the way near my house (which was near the party) but we stopped at my house instead of going there lol Anyway, we get to the party there's fam, friends, and he just as happy as could be!

Here are some of the pics:

Problems with the New 'Invincible iPhone 4'

So I was reading up on my technology like I try to do either everyday, or every other day, and I came across an interesting topic. Evidently, people are having a few issues with their new iPhone. I'm looking at what they're saying right now on apple's website. I'm going to post the link but not after I put in my two cents. I personally wanted an iPhone until I looked further in the HTC Evo by Sprint.

The first problem (and most common) was the signal loss antenna. Basically when you touch the antenna band inside the phone by just holding it, it apparently reduces the signal drastically. I'm reading further and it says Apple's engineers are making a new antenna that only works with one of Apple's cases. LOL And it's 30 bucks! (Trying to get them extra ends I see...)

Another problem, much smaller than loosing reception, but that's only for people who have their sound up. Apple switched the volume buttons on some of the iPhones (So up is down and down is up) So if I was trying to turn my ringer down before I went in to work, and someone called, it would not only ring but it would ring louder than what it would before I thought I turned it down.

My favorite problem after reading all of them is right here! The front and back of the iPhone is made out of glass. And for people who get "Driver's Lap" (when you get out the car and drop your phone), you're in trouble. From my understanding, you can drop this phone from normal 'Oops' height and it will SHATTER! I don't know about y'all but thats an issue. They made it out of glass just so that the iPhone users can spend more money on repairs.

Now at my job one of my boys gave me the scoop on AT&T. What he said in a nut-shell is that AT&T has so many people on they network that its going to be almost impossible for everyone to have that good ol' "Best reception" that everyone wants. I mean they supposed to have 3g almost throughout the whole nation, but where we live now, my brother walks around the house with his iPhone in the air looking Batman with a grappling hook.

So, reading what I've read today and knowing how much I have to put down for a deposit, Im thinking #TeamEvo. Don't judge me LOL. Sprint has had the best network since we had "Race Car chirps" Well, with all of this being said, Let me know what you think. Do you have an iPhone? How does it treat you? or Do you have an Evo? Should I get it? (Post it, I'm here all week)

Meet Xavier aka "Zay"

Name: Zay
Birthday: Oct 11th
Age: 20

The TRUE youngest out the group

Euclid High graduate, Class of 2008

Cousin Zay the coolest person we know, ready to party WHENEVA

Doesn't say too much of nothing til he gets some 100 proof in his life

Meet L and Dj

L (left)
Birthday: June 16th
Age: 21

The shortest out the group (My bad Boogie, had to say it LOL)

Brush Graduate, Class of 2007

Self Proclaimed 'Designated Driver' and future NFL star

Dj (right)
Birthday: July 30th
Age: 20

Has to be the funniest person in the world

Very Loyal, also went to Glenville with Jay

Once you're friends wit Dj, you got a friend for life

Meet Dave aka "DHu" bka "Drew Blanks"

Name: Dave
Birthday: Aug 4th
Age: 20 (but I only got 2 weeks)

David or Dave (preferably) is the youngest member of the group

Although quiet at times he knows how to cut loose and have a good time

Enjoys making people laugh

Meet Jay aka "Shag Diggler" bka "Hustle Simmons"

Name: Jay
Birthday: Feb 25th
Age: 21

Jay is the oldest member of the group.

Glenville graduate, class of 2007

He has a keen sense for fashion and a mean hustle, not to mention he can RAP his ass off